Monday, April 27, 2009

Wyatt slept through the night

Toby started back at work today and Wyatt decided it was the perfect night to sleep all the way through. I went to bed last night after I fed him at 9:30. I was back up around 11pm to feed him and Toby went to bed then. I was amazed. I fed him and put him in his cradle. He slept until his next feeding. I got him up, fed him and put him back in his cradle. Once again he slept until his next feeding. He did this all the way up until his 9am feeding. Even then I just put him in his swing for a little bit so I could eat my breakfast first. What a good little boy! It was nice to get a full nights sleep with the exception of waking up every 2 hrs to feed for an hour. But with me breastfeeding that is the most amount of sleep I can get. I hope he can keep this up...there is hope!

1 comment:

Ariana said...

Hurrah! The light is beginning to glimmer at the end of the tunnel. :)