Monday, June 21, 2010

Potty training breakthrough today!

Potty training at it's finest, originally uploaded by kkirk78.

Wyatt decided to surprise me today. I have been working on potty training him, not hard core but I put him on the potty at least once a day. Well, this morning I said to him "Wyatt let's go potty". And he went straight to the bathroom door. I was shocked and thrilled. He doesn't actually 'go' on the potty very often but the fact that he is correlating these together is great. He sat on the potty two more times today and both times he went straight to the bathroom when I told him "let's go potty". He almost went on the potty once today if I could have gotten the diaper off fast enough but I was too slow. So, I just set him, diaper and all on the potty and told him "go potty" so at least he still got the

Also, tonight at bedtime I told Wyatt, "let's go night night". He put his head down on the pillow on the ground. Once again that surprised me as he has never shown that he understands what night night means. Then I went to go pick him up and he wouldn't let me. Instead he walked into his room and to his crib and pulled on the bars as if he wanted in. I couldn't believe he did both of these today!! What a little smarty pants...What's next?!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


P1110579, originally uploaded by kkirk78.

Last night, Toby and I enjoyed an evening out without Wyatt. It was really nice to be out alone. We went to a Mexican restaurant, El Feria, that we hadn't been to yet. It was pretty good but El Toro in Clinton is still my fav. one around here so far. Then we headed back to Morrison and went to the three bars that are here in We met one of our neighbors last night which was also nice.

Wyatt has become a climbing fool lately. He climbs on everything that he can. I had to include this pic of him. We were grilling out one night and he figured out how to climb up on to his picnic table. Wyatt and I go for walks around Morrison almost every evening that it's nice out. The other night he actually fell asleep in his stroller-which is very unlike him. Toby and I had the discussion last night about whether or not moving here was the right decision and we both feel that it was. In Nashville, I wouldn't feel comfortable walking around with just Wyatt like I do here. I even put a $20 in my pocket the other night to walk to the grocery store...that's something we never did in Nashville. Plus in reality, Toby and I would have only had 3 hrs every week day to spend with Wyatt after getting home from work. I can't imagine what a different child he might be if he had been with his sitter all day 5 days a week. I know we have made the right decision...There are advantages to living in the city but with Wyatt, the advantages of living in a small town out weigh those by far.

Toby and I are still going to college. It's been an adjustment since Toby started his new job to make the time for school but we are getting it down slowly. Toby is now working at Sullivans where I work. He is the night manager. It's pretty nice so far and he likes the job (far better than the other two he had here). I think this will be a job he can be happy with until he graduates from college. He has every other weekend off which is great. I know he is enjoying the 4 min commute to work as well.

Well...guess there's not much more to update here and Wyatt's about to wake up from his nap.