Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter adventures

It was a pretty nice Easter here so I decided to go outside and finish weeding our garden. We have this plant that grows in the south called pokeweed. All I knew about it is that some southerners eat it and it's known as poke salad. Well, we had one plant that was growing in our garden. It took both Toby and I to dig it out because the root was so big. So, we finished with that and then Toby went inside to watch his baseball game and I continued to weed. At one point I saw Angus gnawing away on the root like he does with sticks. I didn't think much of it since I knew the plant was edible. Well, about two hours later I ran to the grocery store. When I came back Toby had this look on his face. Angus had been throwing up severely since I had left which was only 20 min or so. I got to thinking and told Toby that he was gnawing at the root outside earlier and Toby said he was pretty sure it was poisonous unless it is cooked. Oops... So we called the emergency vet who advised us to call the pet poison hotline b/c they could advise us better at what to do. So Toby called them while I walked behind Angus cleaning up his vomit and poop. The poison line confirmed that it is poisonous and said we needed to get him to the vet. So, off to the emergency vet we went. They wanted to keep him there for a few hours to give him iv fluids and watch him for any changes. We called back about 2 hours later and the poison line advised them to give him fluids for 5-6 hours. That meant he was there until 9pm. We finally got to pick him up and he was somewhat happy to see us. They gave him the fluids and something for the vomiting and wanted us to follow up with our vet today. We got him home and he looked so pathetic. He could barely keep his eyes open. We could tell he really didn't feel good at all. He just snuggled with me on the couch and slept for the rest of the evening. I took him to the vet this morning and he's got some more medicine to take and we have to feed him small amounts of food throughout the day to make sure he is not going to vomit anymore. He is still very tired but every once in awhile acts like himself. He chased the cat away from his food this morning which is a great sign. He should recover just fine. I feel horrible and feel like this was a test of our parenting skills. Hhhmmm...I hope I don't let Wyatt eat a poisonous root-haha...

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