Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Started Wyatt on solids.

P1060688, originally uploaded by kkirk78.

A few days ago we started Wyatt on solid foods. It's been quite funny. Each day he has done better at eating. This is a video of the first time he ate. We have been giving him pureed avocado mixed with a little formula to make it runnier. I plan to do quite a bit of his foods myself. It worked out great. You just put a little bit in each "cube" of an ice cube tray and freeze it. Then when you need some they just pop right out of the tray, thaw it out in the micro a few seconds and your ready to go. I think next week we might try bananas. I can't believe he is this big already! Where did the time fly?

1 comment:

Ariana said...

I loved making our own food for her! First winners around here were Sweet Potatoes, Peas (run through the sieve after blending). Now we do just about everything for her! I can't believe he's that big. Sigh. Where do the days go?