Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wyatt started smiling

P1040977, originally uploaded by kkirk78.

Wyatt started smiling last night. I just happened to catch it on video too. It was a small smile but it was still a smile. You can watch it on my flickr page. This picture I snapped this afternoon. He was very smiley for about 2 min and then he fell back asleep. He has been having some problems with reflux so I took him to the dr yesterday. He is now on medication and I'm hoping within a few days he will be a happy baby most of the time instead of once in awhile. I felt bad but you could tell he was just uncomfortable most of the time. It broke my heart to watch him in pain. He seems to be doing a bit better already. He's also starting to reach for some things. He has a mirror that hangs in his crib that has a bee that hangs off of it. I put him in there when I change his clothes. In the last couple of days, he has learned how to grab it. It's so funny cause his hand will grab it and then you can tell he gets excited that he actually touched it and his legs and arms will flail about. This parenting thing is starting to get a bit fun now...

1 comment:

Ariana said...

And it only gets better... :) Doesn't that smile melt you?