Thursday, October 30, 2008

felt our baby move

I sat at work in amazement this morning (and really didn't want to work) because I was feeling our baby move for really the first time. I had felt he/she kick once last week but that was it. For about an hour or two this morning I just kept feeling twitches and pokes...they weren't huge movements but definitely enough that I could tell it was more than gas-hehe. It was also in the same area of my belly that I felt the kick last weekend and the same area where I have found the baby's heartbeat. So..I'm pretty convinced it is the baby I am feeling. I can't wait until Toby can start feeling the baby too. I remember last time I felt the babies for a week or two before you could feel them on the outside. I'm getting more and more comfortable that things are going ok with this baby. I have been doing good but there is a part of me and I keep trying to shove that part to the back of my head that thinks something bad will happen. I haven't been letting it affect me but it's still there sometimes...just waiting. We have an ob clinic at my office on Thurs morning for pregnant pt's with diabetes. We had a couple today that lost their baby. It's sad to see them walk out. It takes me back...there is nothing you can do or say to bring their baby back. The only thing I can offer if they come to check out with me is that I too have lost two babies and that I understand what they are going through. This girl wasn't too far along in her pregnancy so I'm pretty sure she was considered a miscarry but it still sucks to see it happen. That is the second pt I have seen walk out comprehending the news that was just told to them...this baby will not survive. Sorry to end this post on a bad note but I guess that's just the way my thoughts ran.

I will end this on a good note instead...Melissa and Josie will be arriving at our house in a few hours. I'm excited to get to spend the weekend with them!

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