Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby things are ridiculous!

So...we already have a car seat for our baby. When I was pregnant with the boys we had purchased a double stroller with 2 car seats. We held on to it for awhile after we had the boys but then decided to sell the stroller and one car seat while they were still current rather than wait til I got pregnant (since we didn't know when that would be) without twins, it wasn't current and then we couldn't sell it for as much. So to make a long story short we have a car seat but no manual. I was looking at it and couldn't figure out how you make the straps bigger or smaller. So, I went to the internet and found the manual for the stroller/carseat combination. The manual is 125 pages!! That is so ridiculous. I think they do it on purpose just to make pregnant hormonal moms even crazier...haha...I have decided that I found the manual and that is good enough for now. After all, I do have 6 months to figure it out.

1 comment:

Melissa Kirk said...

Hehe, that's too funny. Hey, I think our old car seat was about the same, and I figured out how to adjust the straps. I'll help you, if you need. There'a tab thing under the fabric that you push and it releases tension on the straps. Anyway.